Friday, July 23, 2010

Our journey is about to begin...

Eight days pave our path to a new beginning, a new adventure and an expansion of our senses. It begins with a hundred goodbyes, many tears, surrealism, excitement and the realization that one of the things which defines us is the most simplistic aspect...our connectedness to those that enlighten our lives.

When change comes about and distance unmeasurably intimidating, the most insignificant relationships become glaringly bright and the significant blinding. I've been awed by the human spirit that dusted us with friendship, love and generosity over the last couple of weeks. And we are blessed.

On Sunday, August 1st, our family will begin an amazing adventure that will test our spirit, challenge our abilities and open our eyes to a great new world. We will each be faced with the task of adaptation and endurance and a goal of cultural metamorphosis... You are invited to join us on this journey if you promise not to judge, criticize or poo-poo our progress. We are proud Midwesterners with a major lack of worldly exposure so we'll at the least be entertaining, if not down-right pathetic.

Fly away birdie, fly away.